A Reggio Emilia-Inspired Magnet Elementary School   

Attendance and Absences

School Dismissal Manager

We will be utilizing School Dismissal Manager’s absent option for parents
to report their child absent, arriving late or leaving early.
Reporting Your Child will be Absent:
When in the SDM app,  select the day on the calendar that your child will be absent, then
select add exception, and choose absent from the dropdown options, filling out the necessary
information. SDM does not determine if absences are excused or unexcused and you
must still provide the school office with a doctor’s note when required and as specified
in our school attendance policy.
Reporting Your Child will Leave Early:
When in the SDM app, select the day on the calendar that your child will be picked-up early, then select add exception, and choose
leaving early. You will immediately be asked if your child is coming back to school. Select yes
or no and then fill out the remaining information. Depending on whether you answered yes or
no, SDM will create the appropriate dismissal exception or notification to the office once you
click Submit. You must still come into the office to sign your child out and adhere to
any rules or guidelines specified in our school’s policies. 

Reporting a Late Arrival:
When in the SDM app, select the day on the
calendar that your child will be arriving late, then select add late arrival, fill out the reason,
and click submit. SDM does not determine if scholars are tardy and you must still come
into the office to sign your child in and adhere to any rules or guidelines specified in
our school’s policies.

For questions about School Dismissal Manager, please call the front office:


All absence notices must either:

  1. Be submitted through SDM the day of the absence AND a note sent when the student returns
  2. Be submitted through SDM the day of the absence AND be sent by email

*Note: The nurse and classroom teachers do not update attendance records.


Absences and Tardies:
The Connecticut state law requires parents/guardians be made aware of their legal obligation to ensure their child attends school. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. Start building this habit in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten so they learn right away that going to school on time, everyday is important. Chronic absenteeism is an early indicator of future academic difficulty. Help us prepare your child for their bright future by getting them to school everyday and on time!
Tardy (arriving late):
If your child arrives at school after 8:40am, then he/she is considered tardy; you will need to sign them in at the office and receive a tardy pass. I Scholars will walk by themselves and bring the tardy pass to their teacher. If your child is tardy more than 10 times during the school year, the principal or assistant principal will meet with you in order to work together to help you get your child to school on time.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please input on the School Dismissal Manager. Whenever a student is absent from school, no matter what the reason or circumstance, a note from the parent or doctor must accompany the student upon his/her return to school. We need this note in addition to your exception on SDM of his/her absence. *The note should include the following information:
● Date the note is written
● Name of the student absent
● Reason for the absence
● Date of the absence
● Signature of the parent/guardian or physician if the note is a hard copy
In order for a child to be considered “In Attendance” for the school day, they must be at school for more than 1/2 of the day (3 1/4 hours) Arrival after 12:45pm is considered an absence.
Excused Absences:
For absences one through nine, a student’s absences are considered excused when the student’s parent/guardian approves such absence and submits appropriate documentation*. For the tenth absence and all absences thereafter, a student’s absence from school is only considered excused for the following reasons and must have a parent note and, in cases of illness, a medical note accompanying them when they return to school:
● Student illness, verified by an appropriately licensed medical professional, regardless of length of absence
● Student’s observance of a religious holiday
● Death in a child’s family or other emergency beyond the control of the student’s family
● Extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by district administrators and in accordance with Connecticut State Department of Education.
Unexcused Absences:
A student’s absence is considered unexcused if:
● there is no phone call or note from the family or SDM exception
● after the ninth absence, if the absence is due to a family vacation/trip or holiday.
● It is important that parents and guardians understand that extended absences may severely impact your child’s learning, relationship building, and school routine.
● If a student accrues four unexcused absences in one month, or has ten or more absences in a school year, this student is in danger of approaching chronic absenteeism. Absences exceeding nine in the school year or four in one month is considered chronic absenteeism. At this time a letter will be sent home to request a parent meeting in order to work together to ensure better school attendance for the child. A review of your child’s attendance will accompany each report card in order to help you keep track of your child’s attendance.
When there is weather related school cancellation, as decided by each child’s home district, but RMS has school - an absence will not be accrued. In this case, please notify RMS of your child’s absence. The child’s absence will be considered: ‘modified attendance’.
The Riverside Magnet School recognizes these attendance policies and practices for all students, including three and four year olds.
For Attendance questions, concerns or resources, please reach out to our Attendance Coordinator Jamal Chambers at 
860-893-3837 or JChambers@goodwinmagnetsystem.org. 
